Image on Diamond Art Club
The year 2024 is over. It's not the best year for me. I was ill for a long time and could not even speak and walk for several months. When I started walking normally, I hurt my back. My hip hurts. I can't get up on the board. That's all I remember about the past year.
I recently thought about what I would do, since I no longer do programming. I was invited by a furniture company to become an online store designer. If I pass the job interview, I'll earn money. If not, I'll look for a job myself. And if that doesn't work out, I'll go back to freelancing. I always have a plan "B" and "C".
I need the money to get an education as a theater and film director. Why suddenly directing? At school, I played in a theater group. I dreamed of becoming an actor one day. But after high school, I doubted myself and gave up on this venture. And then, to confirm my doubts, I decided that I still had crooked teeth like a fence of the farmhouse and the physique of a model suffering from anorexia, or a heroin addict. And anyway, I'm not cut out for the stage, and I've come up with a bunch more similar excuses.
Despite this pessimistic attitude, I still studied according to the Stanislavsky system and was interested in cinematography. Stanislavsky is a brilliant teacher. With only one of his book at hand, I independently learned how to enter and exit the role. I was even able to learn how to cry and laugh on purpose by practicing according to his system. I'll say more: it was only after reading his book that I realized what the words creativity and art mean in general. I'm currently reading «Беседы о кинорежиссуре» by Romm and «Screenplay» by Field. I'm also reading the scripts of all the movies I've watched.
I finished developing a small game this year. It was not an ambitious project. The goal was to see if I could do it alone. And I did. Yes, I made a lot of mistakes that all players make when they suddenly decide to create their own game. But I was able to complete the project to the end, and now I won't make such mistakes anymore. The next project promises to be impressive. I've played a lot of video games in my life. I started playing at a very young age. My father gave me and my brother Sega before we went to school. And this black plastic box has given me more joy, unique experience and pleasure than all children's and youth entertainment combined can give. To be honest, if I were asked now what I would choose then, a new cartridge or the first kiss and petting with that little, incredibly beautiful blonde, I would choose the Comix Zone.
But I digress. So, I played a bunch of video games, and I had a desire to play exactly the "right" game. I recently found a similar one on Steam. I was so happy at first, but it wasn't the one either. This game is so unique that apart from the one I recently found, there are no others like it. Not yet. I'll start developing it this year. Why don't I tell you the name of a similar game that I found or what kind of game it is? Let the intrigue remain. It also seems to me that if I spread this idea, it will lose its power and I'll not succeed. But I need to succeed.
Happy New Year of the Snake 2025 and Merry Christmas to all of you. Dream, compose, and fulfill your innermost desires. Believe in peace, miracles, goodness and love. And you'll find them if you don't sit still (like I had for about 10 years). Health and everything you want for yourself.